fantastic and super straightforward to aid with an arduino. i aid the blueterm bluetooth-serial app for android to communicate with it and it facility great.
AJI'm really loving the simplicity of this bluetooth slave! If you need to port serial output wirelessly, this fits the bill wonderfully. Below I document some simple quick-start steps, so if you are having issues or can't figure something out, please read.There's lots of these types of products out there from various manufacturers, various models (HC07, HC05, etc), and you can even find some a little cheaper if you look hard enough. However, big kudos to Virtualbotix for a well-done product which includes some simple support and information on their website, and the product is packaged nicely. This product is great for a beginner and expert alike.I highly reccommend this to first-timers diving into this area of interfacing, due to the end product quality and company support. For some context on my technical expertise, I've been tinkering in electronics and computer interfacing and programming for over twenty years.Below I list the Pros, some notes, Tech Defaults, Bonding/Pairing, Connecting to TTL devices, Usage/Issuing Commands, Useful Programming Commands, and I give a brief example of testing the wireless connectivity between a computer and an android device.Hopefully you find this rveiew helpful!PROS:* The final product appears to be high quality - The PCB, components and solder joints all appear to be rock solid. The entire dongle is wrapped in clear heat shrink, protecting the components from general handling and to prevent shorts.* It comes with some basic documentation - It's a quick start guide with links to the product webpage where they go into more detailed info* Includes a short wire jumper set to easily interface with TTL headers* Works perfectly - no issues, and decent range too* Full support through Virtualbotix - As said before, the website offers information and a way to contact them for more tech support if the website can't give you what you need. The company seems to be pretty responsive to Amazon reviews and questions as well.SIDE NOTE: All "AT" commands have to be issued in all caps. I didn't know this at first and it threw mew for a loop for half an hour wondering why my commands weren't working. Almost every other dongle or modem I've talked to was never case sensitive, but this one was. So, I repeat, all AT commands must be issued in ALLC CAPS.If I had any other thoughts it would be that I paid a smidge more for this particular product than what I could obtain similar modules for elsewhere, saving a few bucks. However, I say that by also noting I bought this one on purpose as it seemed the most professionally produced model with easy to reach support in case something went awry. Being able to find quick, easy support is sometimes worth a few bucks!TECH DEFAULTS:Name: linvorPIN: 1234Baud: 9600Bit: 8Parity: NoneStop Bit: 1Flow Control: Off/noneCommands: "AT" style commands, in all capsCharacter/Line Delay: Didn't seem to matter when I tested it, I kept software at the default of 0ms.BONDING/PAIRING WITH THE BT2S:You pair with this as you would any other bluetooth device. If you're using a phone, for example, you have your phone scan for available devices. It will see this device. Unless you change the default name, it will be seen as "linvor". Pair with it using the pin code (default is 1234). Once paired, the led light on the BT2S will go solid. Transmission of data is now possible. When you disconnect from the BT2S, the led light will start blinking again.CONNECTING TO TTL DEVICES:You only need to hook up 4 pins from the BT2S. Power, Ground, TX, RX. Remember that the TX line of the BT2S will connect to the RX line of your TTL device/dongle/header, and the RX line will go to the TX line of the TTL item as well. For example:BT2S Power -> TTL PowerBT2S Ground -> TTL GroundBT2S TX -> TTL RXBT2S RX -> TTL TXFor approximately newbs out there it's easy to remember it this way: One contrivance transmits (TX) to the additional contrivance's receiver (RX).USAGE / ISSUING COMMANDS:As a general heads-up, you can't come forth AT commands to the contrivance unless it is in the 'ready' state (led blinking). If you're corresponding to the contrivance, you have to disconnect initially.You can use any serial interaction program (hyperterminal, putty, etc) to talk to the contrivance owing to TTL levels. Don't just connect this to a serial RS232 haven, it requires TTL signalling. If you don't know what that is do a little research. If you want an easy to use USB interface to program or use the BT2S, you can obtain the (Micro SATA Cables - USB 2.0 to TTL UART 6PIN Module Serial Converter CP2102) and plug it into a USB haven and it will interface seamlessly. Read my review of the (Micro SATA Cables - USB 2.0 to TTL UART 6PIN Module Serial Converter CP2102) for complex and usage instructions (hint, don't use the software which comes with it!).(Heads-up: All commands issued to the BT2S MUST be in ALL CAPS)Approximately calculate ago the BT2S is connected to the TTL dongle, plug it into a USB haven. You'll have to know what com haven was designated to the (Micro SATA Cables - USB 2.0 to TTL UART 6PIN Module Serial Converter CP2102) , so be attentive of that. As the BT2S powers up the led will blink rapidly. This means the contrivance is in a 'ready' state, to be corresponding with or to be issued commands via serial input. For my usage, I opened up Hyperterminal and complex a tie with the (Micro SATA Cables - USB 2.0 to TTL UART 6PIN Module Serial Converter CP2102) com haven, and I made guaranteed the serial settings were 9600 8N1. Make guaranteed you disable flow hegemony.As this is complete, you'll be at the mortal dialogue box. To make guaranteed you can talk to the BT2S, come forth the subsequent command (yes, it must be in all caps) by typing it in promptly:ATAlternatively you could pretend AT, and at that calculate paste it into the mortal dialogue box (right-click-paste) and it will work.There is no need to press infiltrate, just typing AT (over again, make guaranteed it is all caps) will work. A tear second shortly you must see a return indicate from the dongle, which must be: OKAt that point, you have customary basic interaction. For longer commands such as changing baud or name, you'll want to pretend it into your clipboard and at that calculate paste it into the mortal dialogue box. If you don't see it return whatever thing, verify you are connected to the right com haven (the one designated to the TTL dongle/contrivance). Verify you connected the BT2S properly.USEFUL AT COMMANDS:I reprogrammed the contrivance so it would work in a router. I changed the baud rate, name and pin language. You can find all if this tidings on the Virtualbotix website. There are I don't know more commands void which aren't listed, just contact the company for more tidings. Below I catalog the commands I used:To change pin language (replace #### with the new 4 digit pin number): AT+PIN####Develop: AT+PIN8551 changes the pin language to 8551To change baudrate (replace # with number below): AT+BAUD#Develop: AT+BAUD8 changes the baudrate to 1152001 - 12002 - 24003 - 48004 - 96005 - 192006 - 384007 - 576008 - 115200 (most common these days)To change name (replace X with whatever name you want): AT+NAMExExample: AT+NAMEsuperawesome changes the name of the dongle to superawesomeIN CLOSING, A TEST OF CONNECTIVITY:Approximately calculate ago I had the BT2S programmed the way I liked it, I connected to it in hyperterminal. I verified my tie by issuing the AT command, to which I received OK.On an android contrivance, I corresponding with the BT2S contrivance. To talk to it, I use an app called Bluetooth SPP. I had it commence the BT2S tie in 'genuine calculate' mode. Approximately calculate ago complete, I typed approximately text into hyperterminal. For develop I typed in "hello!", and it popped up on the BluetoothSPP mortal cover, sortof be fond of chat.From the android contrivance, I typed in "hello back!", and it popped up on the hyperterminal cover.This is a simple develop of carriage text over bluetooth between two terminals. Pretty nifty.
T. SessomsThis module worked aptly out of the, er, static-water-resistant bag, mixture with all of my Apparatus cleverness (Google Nexus 7 and a link of HTC smartphones in succession Apparatus 2.3.3 and 4.0.3) with no conundrum. Events 1.5 inches by .6 inches and draws @10ma with mixture. By a additional Amazon manufactured goods, the Micro SATA Cables USB 2.0 to TTL UART 6PIN Module, it can be hooked to a PC in succession a mortal curriculum. With that complex, it's doable to come forth AT instructions to reprogram the BT2S data rate (it will run from 1200 to 230,400) and chat its Bluetooth name (non-payment is 'linvor' which you may want to chat to a upset more consequential). The AT mandate to curriculum the data rate is on Virtuabotix's website. The AT mandate to chat the name is AT+NAMExxxx, everywhere xxxx is the new name. The reprogramming complex can also be used for difficult by mixture the BT2S with, say an Apparatus smartphone in succession the Blueterm app. With that, you can do a chat between the PC mortal curriculum and the smartphone's.I'm very pleased with this contrivance, primarily its low potential and low fee. I must note that it seems to have a positively fleeting array, in this area 15 feet or so in my experiments. I'm by it to wirelessly join, to a particular Apparatus buzz app, a laser rangefinder that outputs run data.N.B., if you want to converse with an Apparatus buzz, this 'slave' translation is the one you want, not the 'master' one, which Virtuabotix also sells. It's also value noting that you can't use this frankly with RS232-amount signals, in view of the fact that persons voltages are ill-assorted with the BT2S, which uses TTL-amount signaling.
P. McIntosh "I hate signatures"Very straight forward. Worked with 3.6V, very easy to pair with. I've used a C code released by TI for UART interaction, and it worked like a charm, at smallest amount when I tried to echo some bytes with my Android cellphone.
Warh NeeksIt was extremely easy to connect to Arduino Uno, took me a reduced amount of than 30 min bring about it with my Apparatus buzz.
SriI was extremely surprized on how straightforward it was to communucate including the BT2S Bluetooth serial slave by my Arduino UNO infiltrate, this manufactured goods is easily recommendable to anyone who requires to do some bluetooth Arduino potential.
Fast EddyThis business is splendid. Supply it with potential and you get a TTL UART on one end and Blue Tooth virtual com port on the additional. It is exceptionally easy to setup and will run fine lacking any configuration. Once you do influence to change the settings, it is as unadorned as connecting to the device over the UART before it has been paired. Citations is void from a number of sources on the web and there seems to be a large number of public effective with the device in their embedded projects, so there is lots of practical info out there.There are some appealing quirks to the device that I stumbled across:1. The device requires 5V Vcc but the UART is 3.3V judgment amount. The voltage input is labeled 3.6V to 6V, but it will run off of 3.3V, but I have not incorrigible the range. There are also many examples on the web of this device life used with a 5V UART. Even as it appears to work, this is not ideal, so if you are using an Arduino, you will want to any make sure you are using a newer 3V version or at bare smallest, pass the TX line owing to a voltage partition to pull it down to 3V.2. When you pair the device with a windows apparatus, windows will deliberate the device paired lacking actually pairing with it. When you connect to the device, Windows will likely tell you that it cannot find the driver, yada yada yada... but when you check in device manager, you will likely see numerous new COM ports programmed. The device will not deliberate itself paired with your notebook until you physically initiate the run tie. Once you connect, the light will go solid and the device will work. Disconnect the com port, and the device re-enters pairing mode, looking for the next tie.
MattNifty modest unit that acts just like a series tie when collectively. Doesn't demand only one of its kind headers or no matter what thing like that, at least for the Arduino machinate I was effective on.
alexPacked with cable and simple keep for useful document. Like it. And board confined with transparent fake, have no needs to worry about fleeting made known.
DanielI purchased the BT2S to augment an void embedded logic. I sought after to add a Forbidding Pointed tooth boundary choice to my embedded logic as an choice to the standard RS-232 haven so I may maybe bring about on it lacking having my mainframe tethered by a run cable. I wasn't guaranteed how water supply the BT2S would bring about including the domestic BT adaptor on my Mainframe (Hollow E6430 including the Broadcom touchtone phone logic) but including difficult the manufactured goods the BT2S connects and runs impeccably. You doubtless won't call for to buy one of persons diminutive USB BT adaptors if your mainframe came including a built-in BT touchtone phone logic. My embedded logic uses 19200 bps as a substitution for of the pre-configured BT2S alacrity of 9600, but the outline alacrity can be basically altered by the embedded AT instructions surrounded by the BT2S. The BT2S provides a broad array of run speeds between 1200 and 230400 bps by odd or flush parity. The bluetooth paring pin can be altered as water supply if you aspire. Background these options is the release tricky part including an void logic. You can't frankly form a junction including the BT2S to an RS-232 haven. The BT2S boundary is TTL amount (0v to +5v, clear judgment), not RS-232 amount (-15v to +15v, halfhearted judgment). So you call for to form a junction including the BT2S to a free TTL run haven on the embedded logic and chat the options by carriage AT instructions by a curriculum you enter (Virtuabotix provides only such a curriculum to get you ongoing on their web locate). Or, you will call for to form a junction including an RS-232 driver poker chip to the BT2S and form a junction including the productivity of the driver to the RS-232 cable on a mainframe. The BT2S can't be configured ended the bluetooth tie. Including the intention of's in detail a skilled business, but it can get on to unreliable the boundary options a modest tiresome in anticipation of you get the aptly relations and software. My embedded logic had a MAX232 driver poker chip on it so I wired in approximately headers to allocate me to batter between the RS-232 and BT2S by unreliable jumpers. The headers allowable me to form a junction including the transmit and hear pins on the BT2S to the MAX232 by the breakout cable provided including the BT2S. Approximately calculate ago including the intention of was owing to, communicating including the BT2S by my mainframe and putty was austere. If you discover including the intention of you call for to form a junction including the BT2S TTL boundary to an RS-232 cable, the MAX232 early TI is a splendid manufactured goods. The MAX232, five 1uF capacitors, and a DB-9 female connector will breed the voltages and pinout looked-for for RS-232 by the constant 5v give including the intention of runs the BT2S. Loads of thankfulness to Virtuabotix for as long as a extremely kind breakout cable including their BT2S. The cable provides the 4-pin slogan connector at one end for the BT2S and four release pin slogan connectors at the additional end for concerning to your contrivance (MSP430, Arduino, RP, etc). The cable allowable me to exact my interfacing machinate in below an hour.
Jerry Davis
BT2S Bluetooth to Serial Slave Say goodbye to disturbed nights! Rid physically of with the intention of haunting heap of wires your projects some calculate ago called home! Free your creations from the cables of despair with this clever little wireless Bluetooth module! (You probably get the top by now... it's wireless)