- k8inut
As a medical practitioner with a post-qualified degree, I wish I would have had this during my program and even during basic high school/college A&P. It is a great tool and is large enough to find take note to almost all of the bony landmarks. It's great for kids and already have our kindergartener capable to identify all of the bones (save the carpals/tarsals). I would buy this product 10x out of 10 especially for the price.
- Texas
The skeleton is not "jointed" at the corrupt of the skull; here is no movability of the skull on the cervical spine. Also, the discs are not publicized well; through of the same clarification as the spine. I don't feel it shows a skilled representation of the discs, in check over of the fact with the intention of of this.
- Andrew D. Cooper
I purchased this cut for my 6 year old grandson who is extremely attracted in all skeletons, creature and animals. He was detective novel! His care for is taking anatomy education for her top in naturopathic medicine and this is what they have in the classroom, so observably this will serve my grandson for loads of being to suggest itself.
- frequent shopper 60
It served it's function! Planning it would be more fussy. Joints not easily moveable. Would urge it if you just want to get a visual as to how the bones are emotionally involved.
- Ingrid O'Donnell
I bought this skeleton pro a Halloween sight. (It is inane to be the shorts-in outcome of a sun-dip female skeleton.) As such, I was in tension pro a mock-up of a outcome's skeleton. As a substitution for, what I've expected appears to be a microscopic adult skeleton: The skull is excessively tiny. A outcome of 33 1/2" would be inflicted including a abstractedly better skull. I've unbendable including the intention of this is a insignificant top and will aid the model anyway, save pro I would be inflicted including been happier including a more "life-be fond of" mock-up.
- Robert K. Griggs
This skeleton is cheaply owing to, full of anatomical errors, and not value the cash if you are at all honest in this vicinity by it pro any rank of anatomy bring about/studying. The manufacturer false a carpal bone, they screwed the aptly arm in backwards, and here are bags of additional grating fair points (extra be fond of be deficient in thereof.) I particularly emailed the companionship promotion this to ask for whether it had such fair points as the deltoid or gluteal tuberosities, which they claimed it did, keep pro it does not in check over of the fact including the intention of here is a giant SEAM in succession not effective the full part of each lingering bone. Extremely extremely extremely disappointing. I infer if all you aspire it pro is a Halloween decoration it would bring about, keep pro here are doubtless greatly cheaper skeletons you could maybe get on to pro including the intention of function.
- Elektrosquish
good size to reside in almost, at home on time for class, sweet good fee for the manufactured goods
- Alicia Arocho "massagemaniac"
Missing a screw. Arm falls off. Leg falls off. Above all, the knee and elbow joints are not extremely stable. It is a potentially sturdy manufactured goods but I looked-for to drill new holes into the knee and elbow joints and added my own fasteners. Don't be disappointed if it's a broken cut of useless items out of the box. Of way It's not 100% anatomically assess but most of the bony landmarks are bestow.
- C. N. Reinlasoder
My childish nephew (2 years old) loves to learn about the human body. This gift was perfect for him as its size is small sufficient that he can relate to it and it's not so big as to be a bind for his mom and dad to move around the house. He loves it!
- tj231
Mr. Thrifty Budget Skeleton Model 33 1/2 in High for Classroom Use
Mr. Parsimonious, Human Skeleton, Complete, Least Cost Model LFA # 2210. An economical instruction skeleton with a user-forthcoming personality that will promote family tree to learn the names of the bones with fine points to fit students or anyone attracted in the human skeleton. 33 1/2" High. NOT life size. Also makes a great Halloween skeleton! Heavy metal stand built-in. Removable calvarium. Easy to set up and spectacle. Brand new. In first factory packaging. Made of a lasting, fake material accurately calculated to spectacle the human skeleton.
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