- Cynthia Salehi "Reading Mom"
This mind has a moving faceplate so the numbers will step clockwise each following. This mind has a extremely simplistic top and I be fond of it. It's not hideously owing to be fond of additional watches. It's enjoyable to only mind the calculate step and taste and conspire made known what calculate it is relative to the moving faceplate. I've heard that the dinghy mug can be fragile. And to chat the array, I mediate you be inflicted including to pull made known the adjuster and aid a tiny screwdriver on a notch on the rear.I bought this off of Thinkgeek pro almost $35 (b/c I wanted to diplomacy approximately additional equipment). Beyond disbelief diplomacy early at this calculate owing to Amazon.
- Once Demetrius
I got this as a Christmas gift, and I love it! It's a great gift perception pro any bore polish aficionado!
- Mr Bob
This watch is sweet bitchin'. The only problem is that with about a month of daily wear the little buckle came off and, oddly enough I know someone who bought the same relativity watch and had the same problem.
- Piderman
Exact replacement for my bro's kaput ER Watch. Planning they were no longer avail, but, go map... found it on Amazon.
- Steve R. Garskof "S. Ramon"
The perception of the mind was unique. I think it could maybe be inflicted including been through a piece extra well-built. Great for kids.
- Vicki
So I'll try to be instant and to the top. I actually loved this mind, it looked splendid, was comfortable, and chic with my clothes etc...Now for the bad news:1. The mind was exceptionally NOT water-resistant. I'm discussion you wash your hands once and you've factually got fill up droplets in the mind face. This is not habitual!!! The mind was by no means even sodden or even showered with, but it soaks up fill up like the freakin colossal!!!2. The band tended to smell sweet bad now and over again. I'm a very sterile self, but the band would smell like sweat with 3-4 days. I would take it off and sterile the band with a q-tip and hand sanitizer and it would be ok for a few more days but this was an endless logic... The smell was bad ample everywhere I would have to take the mind off in view of the fact that I was discomfited, it smelled like decomposing leather. (It doubtless was.)3. Well last but not nominal amount I had the mind for less than 30 days before to the band just at random ruined even as I was on foot to class. Factually less than a month!!!4. My god I very near forgot, the last 2 weeks I had this mind, the damn business kept HORRIBLE time... It factually lost 3-5 outline PER DAY!! From the bottom of your heart, like can any mind have this many harms??? It blows my mind!!! I may maybe doubtless buy a $5 mind off e-bay and have best feature than this. Actually sad in view of the fact that I liked the top so much. With a bit of luck soon some additional companionship will re-establish this mind and do it accurately, in view of the fact that the top is awe-inspiring, but the mind is total junk!So in overview like I said, even with all the messed up equipment with this mind, I soothe actually enjoyed it and was fine manufacture with even having to sterile it constantly and building sure to be extreamly austere when washing my hands not to get too much fill up on it... and then re-background the time EVERY MORNING...even with all that, then the dang band breaks with less than 30 days of use!!! This just sends up red flags to me that it's total junk. I reflect I paid like $29 or a upset for this mind on amazon, and I planning I was being paid a deal with all the superfluous facial appearance this mind had (rotating face...). The fact was, I in the end on loan a cut of junk mind for more than a bread a day in anticipation of it ruined... Do physically a act of kindness and go for feature, not looks. This mind looks cool, I have to announce it, but entrust me... IT IS NOT!
- B
My son is a physic nut and got t his for him for Christmas. He loved the idea of it. The face is a little small, he was inane to look for a larger band so it will look larger on him but loved the idea and the look of it.
- Patti Kelly
I just love this mind. This is in fact my following one, I bought a back up since I wear the first one so evenly. The kids are fascinated by the facts turning, and can not map out how I can tell time with it.
- Kristi James
I bought this for my boyfriend and when I look into the reviews, I feared with the intention of the strap was gonna be too forceful, keep for it wasn't. It felt poor and cheap, keep for it's okay. Plus, you could possibly always keep for watch straps and replace these.
- Andy
Einstein Relativity Watch
A clever take on Einstein’s relativity! The face of this Einstein watch has a bent grid in the rear innumerable algebraic representations of numbers. The hand stays in one place and the numbers move almost it. This clever and geeky watch comes in a lush tin gift box and facial appearance a black leather-like band. This geek gift is sure to delight!
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